Why is it that anytime you try to do good stuff, something tries to hold you back? I’m not gonna whine or complain, but what the hell? My knee is starting to hurt when I ride (not so much when I run which I find weird). I really hope it is something simple like not warming up enough or not stretching right. Now, let’s see how the week went…
10miles/15.7mph avg/24mph max/38:13
3 20s 5k sprints
I was getting my stuff ready for swimming Tuesday night and couldn’t find my swim bag with all my gear in it. All I can think is that I left it at the pool Friday Morning. I called the Y and my coach and no one saw it. I figured I’d go ahead and go to practice and just hope that it would turn up…it didn’t. So, I swam all of two laps without goggles and decided to leave. Looks like I’ll have to replace everything (boooo!).
Ran at work in the AM
18mins 1.5 miles 308 cals burned
Had another brick scheduled. Rode for about 15 minutes and my knee started throbbing. Decided to give it a rest
Slept right through my alarm this morning so I didn’t make it to the pool.
I had big ambitions for today’s training. I was going to ride about 10 miles out and then back to my GYM and then hit the treadmill for a short run. I got about 4 miles away from the GYM and my knee starting aching again. I decided to lay off of it for a little bit. I played golf today too and of course we decided to walk the course. Only time it really bothered me on the course was when we would be walking up or down a hill.
Sunday-5/9 (Happy Mother's Day!)
I had a run scheduled, but I didn’t wake up early enough to get it in before we started making the rounds for Mother’s Day.
Last week was really pretty slack week as far as training goes. I ate “ok” for most of the week. The weekend was a little rough being on the go so much. I really hope that my knee isn’t screwing up. I’m going to hold off on the doctor for a little bit longer though. Maybe I just didn’t warm up good enough for those 2 days. I’ll see how running on Monday goes and then how my ride Tuesday night goes (keep your fingers crossed).
Weigh in day!
No change from last week. I’m still hanging at 252, but I’m not too disappointed considering how last week went. Hopefully, this week will go a little smoother.
Masters was good this morning. I only swam ½ the time since today is a “recovery” day. I’ve heard and read not to try and catch up on a day or two if you miss it. I’ll just be sure to push myself the rest of the week.
WU -300m
-200m pulls
Drills 8x25 (2 ea. single arm, fingertip, catch-up, fist)
Main Set
Pulls 350 on 8:35
WD - 100m
Total – 1150
Lunchtime Run
I averaged a decent pace and adjusted the incline from 1 to 5. Overall…28mins/2.21 miles/460 cals burned. The run went well. My knee hurt a little bit, but nothing like it did Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow won’t hurt and I can let out a sigh of relief.
I’ve updated my goals with my training. I’ve decided that even though IM Canada would be awesome to do, I’m going to switch to IM Florida. The overall cost of traveling to Canada to compete seems a bit excessive at this point in my life. IM Florida is in Panama City. It is a pretty flat course. Plus, anyone who wants to come down to cheer can. I’m also planning on doing the Half IM in Orlando next May. It takes place in and around Disney World which I think is way too cool.
Eric’s Quote of the Day: “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford
14 years ago
It's me again!!! Please be careful about your knee! You're going to need two good ones to keep up with your son!!!! Boy...does that sound weird!!!! Can hardly wait!! Oh, yeah...keep up the good work with your training too!!!