(not too sure why my spacing is all weird, sorry)
5/14 Thursday
Bike (no run)
I hate to use it, but work is my excuse for a short bike and no run today.
Dist 7.8miles/Avg 13.8 mph/Max 28.7 mph/33:55
5/15 Friday
Master Swim
Swim was kinda fun this morning. JJ (coach) wasn’t there, but he emailed up the workout.
WU: Swim: 300
Drills: 200 (single arm, fingertip, over rotate, fist)
Pulls: 6x50 on 1:20
Main Set: 12x__
Odd on 2:15 (100m)
Even on 1:45 (75m)
CD: 100
Total: 1950
I skipped out on the kick set and breathing set (500m) so I could get to work a little early. I have to leave work early for Carroll and Julie’s rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Congratulations!! I also have to skip the run at lunch so I can go try to pick up my tux for the third time. First time it wasn’t in yet, and yesterday, the pants and vest were too big (woohoo).
5/16 & 5/17 Saturday & Sunday
This weekend was definitely a tough weekend to get in a workout. I had breakfast with the groomsmen Saturday morning, work Saturday day, wedding Saturday night (which was awesome), work all day (and yes, I do mean all day) Sunday. I know, excuses are like ass…I mean belly buttons, everybody’s got one.
This coming week will be an easy week of training. I’m just looking to stay loose and injury free.
5/18 Monday (weigh in day)
This week is a fun week…it’s race week. There’s something about seeing 7 days or less on the calendar between you and a race that gets your blood pumping just a little bit more. I feel like I’m fairly well prepared for this race. I’ve been swimming pretty good for the past month, riding has been going well (minus the knee problems) and running has actually fit into the equation (although I do wish I had a few more long runs under my belt). So, we will see how everything goes.
Today was a weigh in day…251. I’m down a pound since last week. It’s not great, but hey, it’s progress! I feel like I would be down around 247 or 248 if I would have controlled myself a little better over the weekend (weddings = too much good food) because I stepped on the scale Friday morning and saw the screen flash at 249. I ended up working through lunch today so no lunchtime run. I’ll get a few loops in on the bike tomorrow and work on transitioning.