Practice Run
The weekend went well. I didn’t go swim Friday morning so I could rest just a little for our practice tri on Saturday. We rolled up to Oak Mt. about 7:15 Saturday morning. I was a little surprised to see so many other people there to swim, run, and/or ride. It was a gorgeous day. We walked on down to the “beach” and decided to swim down and back the length of the beach. It is probably somewhere between 100-150 yds to the other end. We both did fine on the swim. I have got to be better at swimming without a line painted on the ground below me. I ended up being a bit off course when we got to the end despite Jeff’s best efforts to holler at me when he saw me swimming towards the dam.
We finished up our swim and headed back to the car to mount our bikes and hammer out the 13 mile course. I was a little nervous. My nemesis was coming up in front of me. I just kept my head down and kept digging until we came down a hill and found ourselves at the turnaround point…I was pretty pumped about making it there. It definitely boosted my confidence more for the race next weekend. We took a quick breather and headed back down the mountain. About a mile from where we parked, I got a flat. Hopefully I can go ahead and get it out of the way so it doesn’t happen during the race. It would definitely kill my bike time. It took a bit longer to replace the tube than I thought it would. It was pretty cool to see that just about every biker that rode by would slow down and ask if we needed any help or if we had everything we needed.
We cut the bikes back up to the parking lot and got ready for the run portion (my least favorite). We trotted off down the road up towards Pevine Falls. Notice the word up…it seemed like the first half of the 3mile course is all up hill. Not too much fun to do when your legs are all tight from biking. Jeff took on off ahead of me. I slowed down a good bit, walking at times, but jogging for most of them. I’m not sure how far I got, I’m pretty sure Jeff got close to the race distance if not more. Overall it was a very good day. Now it is time to do a little training here and there this week to rest up for the race.
Monday 6/8 (Weigh In day)
I spent Sunday and the first part of Monday resting. I was going to do a little bit of cardio during lunch to keep my legs loose. I rode on the stationary bike for about 25 minutes. Nothing too strenuous or hilly, just tried to keep a nice steady cadence.
Well, Monday is my weigh in day. I stepped on the scale to see 245. I was pretty happy with that since my last weigh in saw me had me back up to 250. Now, I’m right back on track.
Eric’s Quote of the Day: “Do or do not; there is no try” ~Yoda
14 years ago