Thursday, July 8, 2010

I’ve Said It Once and I’ll Say It Again…

I love race week! Chattanooga Waterfront is this weekend (1.5k swim/42k bike/10k run). Training has been pretty good. I’ve missed a couple of workouts, but I feel strong in the water and on the bike and somewhat strong on the run. I got my new tri top and shorts. I feel pretty fast in them. I haven’t swum in the top , but it fits a little snugger than my black top so it should be good in the water. The run is with the current so swim times tend to be a little skewed. The bike course is a bunch of hills but nothing too steep, just long inclines which tend to wear you out and test your legs on the run. The run course is crazy flat except for two flights of stairs (cruel aren’t they) you have to go up and down at mile 1 and 5. It should be a fun race as long as it’s not too hot. I’m afraid that the heat index is going to stay near 100 which is gonna suck come the run. Regardless of the weather, I should be able to beat last years time of 4:11:48 (sloowww). My goal is sub 3hr. I might have a chance to qualify for the USAT Nationals with this race. Spots are given to the top 5 or 33% (whichever is greater). We will see. I’ll try and get a post up after the race to let you know the results then a race report will follow next week. MH will probably tweet as the race goes on so if you’re curious as to how it’s going, give her a follow.

There’s so much to do before we head up there. Clean my bike, get all my gear together, pack our other stuff, cut the grass, and on and on. Have a great weekend!

Eric’s Quote of the Day: “Dadadadadada” ~Lucas