Monday 2/1
WO#1 Masters Swim (half day)
50mins 2300m
WU 300 (choice) Drills, Drills,& Drills 14x50 (drill/swim) MS 1x400 kick down/swim back 1x400 swim with fins 1x400 swim no equip CD 100
WO#2 Strength Training
45mins MS Phase
Tuesday 2/2
WO#1 Base 1 S1 Run
30mins 2.4 milesSpeed Work on treadmill. Did 6 30sec sprints spread throughout a 20 minute run (5 min WU & 5 min CD)
WO#2 Base 1 E1 Ride on trainer
50mins 18.4 miles
Kept my HR in zone 2
Wednesday 2/3
WO#1 Masters Swim
Pool was crazy crowded this AM. No coach today. It was hard to get in a decent workout. I ended up calling it at 40mins. 1800metersWU 800 Choice MS 1x500 Kick Hard (1/2 with fins 1/2 not) 1x500 Swim with Fins If Friday is just as bad, I'll move myself to another lane if john’s not there
WO#2 Strength & Core
Thursday 2/4
WO#1 Base 1 S2 Ride- Single leg spinning
40mins 8.7miles
First time doing At first you think you could go for a while and then the burn starts.
Skipped my E1 Run due to the monsoon
Friday 2/5
WO#1 Masters Swim
45mins 2000m
1st Day in new moved me up
WU 1x500
Kicks 1x300 every 3rd length hard
Drills 4x100 (25ea. CU, FTD, OR, Finish)
Main Set 4x100 easy
2x200 harder this is where I stopped today.
First day in the new lane was rough. They are fast (relative to me at least). I had trouble keeping up, but I'm gonna love the challenge and having to push myself. It was tough finding my groove today. I haven't eaten the best the past few days. I can really feel it when I go to do my training. Help me remember this next time I want to go to Zaxby's for dinner!
Saturday 2/6 & Sunday 2/7
had a sick little boy to tend to. I started feeling bad on Sunday so I figured it was better to rest than push it. This is about to start my race week routine. Hopefully I can get to feeling better so I can keep my legs loose before Mercedes next weekend.
Eric’s Quote of the Day: “I’m gonna sneak up like a ninja on their ass” ~Ashley on The Biggest Loser
14 years ago