Well, it’s the start of a new year. A time for everyone to make a resolution….to resolve to do (or not do) certain things/actions with the purpose of bettering yourself. These resolutions can range from eating better; donating more time/money; striving to live a more Christian life….the sky’s the limit. One of my resolutions is to have a little more patience (especially in the car). A day doesn’t go by that I don’t wonder how someone got a driver’s license. It just seems that some people make driving so difficult. There are signs and striping on every road that helps guide you to be in the correct lane that will lead you to your destination…see, I could go off on a good tangent about this if I wanted to.
The first week of training for 2010 is in the books. Overall it was a pretty good week considering how flippin cold it has been outside. Out of a planned 13.5 hrs, I got in almost 8hrs. I missed out on two running workouts and cut my long bike ride short. Here’s the scoop…
Monday 1/4
WO #1 Masters Swim (45 mins)
WU 400m (drill every 4th Link)
Kicks 400m
Main Set: 4x300
CD 100
Total 2100
WO#2 Strength Training (45)
(included more core exercises)
Tuesday 1/5
WO#1 Prep Phase S1 Intervals 30m 2.45miles
First real run since marathon. Ankle still feeling good. Knee feels weak. Might go to the Dr. about it. If something has to get done to it, I'd rather go ahead and do it while I still have time to train. Keep reminding me not to do too much too fast
WO#2 Prep Phase E1 Ride 1hr; 20.5miles
First time back in the trainer in several weeks. Felt pretty good. Tried to stay aero as long as I could, but my arms got sore (forearms).
Wednesday 1/6
WO#1 Masters Swim (cut short b/c of Lucas’ Dr’s Appt)
WU 200m
Kick 200
Pull 100
MS 2x15 on 4:15 hard
3x100 on 2:45 hard
CD 100Total 1350m
WO#2 Strength Training (45)
Thursday 1/7
WO#1 Prep Phase Bike S1 – Speed work on trainer 30minues 11.4 miles
WO#2 Skipped the run
Friday 1/8
Swim practice cancelled since it was 7 degrees outside
Saturday 1/9
no real run today. I did go to the track and calibrate my foot pod. It pretty much rocks.
Sunday 1/10
Prep Phase Bike E2- Long Ride 1hr45mins 34.40 miles avg 19.66 mph
Jumped on the trainer this AM for my ride. Felt pretty good. I'm trying to focus on my nutrition during training. I ate Clif Bar (Carrot Cake) at 1hr into the ride. It went down fairly easy. I'd like to try a few different bars. Any suggestions out there?
A few housekeeping items: Laid off the First Light Marathon on 1/9 due to my my ankle keeping me from training up for it and decided to do the half Mercedes rather than the full in February. No more HIM Orlando in May. It has been replaced by the Gulf Coast Tri. It is a half iron distance that uses a lot of the same course as my full IM in November.
Eric’s Quote of the Day: “Worrying is like a rocking chair. Sure it gives you something to do, but it’ll never get you anywhere” ~Van Wilder
14 years ago