Long time no post! There is a reason that I haven’t posted much over the past couple of months…..I haven’t been doing much training at all. I’m not sure why. I want to train and race (or at least I think I want to train and race). I make up a training plan. Hell, I even load up my bike some mornings so I can ride after work. Then whether it be work, rain, family, or any other excuse at that time I find myself ditching my plan. I’ll swim a couple times and then miss a week or two. I’ll ride on the trainer or do some elliptical work then I’ll stop for a week or two. The only thing that is halfway consistent is my core and strength training. Usually what tends to happen is that I do pretty good Monday thru Wednesday. Then Thursday thru Sunday, I’ll be a pretty big slacker.
It’s starting to get very frustrating. I’ve only done 1 multisport race so far this year. I’ve got one more on the calendar for 7/16 (Wet Dog Sprint). I might can talk myself into doing Mt. Lakes in August and maybe another sprint in September. But before I can really get into planning another race, I really need to figure out what is wrong.
Why am I struggling so much this year? Did I get burned out last year getting ready for IMFL? Why do I get so easily frustrated? Why do I just expect to be able to pick right back up where I left off with my training in the fall? I find myself comparing where I am right now and where I was this time last year. Well, I was about 20lbs lighter and a lot more motivated. There are really only 2 things that I regret so far in my life. The first regret is not studying harder and doing better in my first degree at Auburn. The second is that I just kinda let myself go after crossing that finish line at IMFL in November. During these past couple of years in triathlon, I always heard about how some people will be “one and done.” They will finish an IM and then just stop. All that hard work, training, sacrifice, time just gone. I told myself that I wouldn’t be like that….oops.
OK, venting over. Here is a tentative plan for the rest of this year.
-Train for two more races (Mt. Lakes & Frantic Frog)
-Focus on nutrition (need to focus on weight loss and running this off season)
-Realize that the base training and fitness I had for IMFL is not going to magically reappear overnight (this will probably be the hardest)
I’ll have the opportunity to sit down and actually plan out the rest of the season soon. Right now, I need to keep my legs loose for my race on Saturday.
I hope that everyone has an awesome week.
Eric’s Quote of the Day: No quote, just a plug. MH has started our family blog back up. Lots of fun pics of little dude in action. http://ericheatheroneal.blogspot.com
14 years ago