Sunday, May 9, 2010


I haven't exactly been the "ideal" triathlete the past few weeks. The week immediately following NOLA was a weird one. I wasn't expecting to be so down/blue. I had worked pretty hard to get ready for that race. I tried to go into it as just a learning experience since I knew my ankle was more than likely going to limit me. I tried not to be disappointed when I saw my time of 7:40 but I was. It was a bit a of a let down. As the next couple of weeks started to go by, I tried to turn everything around. Not much training to report. I had some good bike rides but not much swimming or running. can I got in the way. Work got a little crazy. There was a big rush on a project to be done by the 30th. Lots of site visits led to no training/excuses.

Then in the middle of that, Lucas got sick. He had a throat virus and then a couple of ear infections. Getting up in the middle of the night tends to keep you from getting back up at 430 to make it to the pool. Having to take off from work to check him out of daycare, take him to the doctor, spend a day at home with him tends to distract you from training. I'm not complaining by any means. I love little dude more than anything and would do anything for him. Family definitely comes before training! Now things are better. Lucas got tubes put in this past week and he has been extremely happy. Made it through the past couple of nights without waking up...hooray! The project at work is done and apparently working smoothly. Not it is time to get back on track.
Last week, I went to my sports doc to follow up about my ankle and see about my knee. I have been cleared on my ankle. I'm starting PT for my knee. Sophia seems to think that I can get through the knee problem without surgery. After November, that might be a different story, but we will tackle that when the time comes.
Next race is coming up in a couple of weeks on Memorial Day. Should be a fun race. There aren't a lot of people signed up for it. It's pretty short: 200yd swim, 8 mile bike, 2 mi run. I going to shoot for a 50 min race. It's going to be one of those where your heart rate jumps up and stays up.
This week IS going to be different. Lucas is feeling great; work is good; weather looks good; and I've got the "itch" to get back into some hard training. I'll try to be better about posting updates.
Stay safe out there!

Eric's Quote of the Day: "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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