Well, I’m not sure why, but I can always start a week off great and by the time Thursday rolls around, I don’t keep up with my training. Monday thru Wednesday rocked this week. Swimming was awesome, rides and runs were smooth, and I felt strong in the weight room. This week was my last Base 1 week. Next week, I start my Base 2 training and add a little more volume…it ought to be interesting.
Monday 2/22
WO#1 Masters Swim
2550m; 75mins
WU 1x200
MS 3x100 build
4x25 build
TT 1x1500 steady stroke
Drills 6x25 kick w/ chin on shoulder
Sprint 4x25
CD 1x200
My time for the 1500 was 29:20. I beat my Chatty swim time by over 4 minutes!
WO#2 Strength & Core
Tuesday 2/23
WO#1 Base 1 S1-Speed Intervals on Treadmill
2mi, 25mins
Legs felt weak this AM. Only worked in 5 sprints.
WO#2 Base 1 E2-Ride on Trainer
24.10mi, 70minsTried to push it on the trainer tonight. In Zone 3 for a good bit. Worked through the gears.
Wedesday 2/24
WO#1 Masters Swim
75mins 3750m
Long Distance in the pool today.
WU 1x600
MS 7x250 Last 50 hard 3:45
Kicks 8x50 Hard 1:00
Drills 1x800 Hypoxic Breathe every 3 down/5 back
CD 1x200
WO#2 Strength & Core
Thursday 2/25
WO #1 & #2 Skipped
Friday 2/26
WO#1 Masters Swim
40mins, 1500m
Masters Swim Not a great day in the water. Cut it short so I could get to work early.
WU 200
Drills 8x50
Kicks 6x50 choice @ 1:00
MS 5x100 build @ 2:10
CD 1x100
Saturday 2/27
WO#1 E2 Ride at Industrial Park
30mins, 8.6mi
Finally made it outside today. I felt aweful out there…never could find my groove. I cut this waaayy short
Sunday 2/28
WO#1 E2 Run through Neighborhood
25mins, 1.92mi
For some reason I thought it would be fun to take Tucker on the run with me. Hopefully he will get better at running with me.
Here are my totals for the month and year-to-date. February was not a stellar training month.
February Year-To-Date
Bike: 3hr55mins – 76.3mi 15hr45mins – 325.19mi
Run: 4hr21mins – 21.65 mi 10h45mins – 52.7mi
Swim: 7h55min – 19,100m 18h55mins – 44,475m
Strength: 3h01min 9h 08mins
Eric’s Quote of the Day: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” ~Theodore Roosevelt
14 years ago